For Partners

Reach over 10,000 students at top universities in the UK.

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Our Partners

Butterfly is the university social media app for university students, designed to bring people together. We’ve partnered with the following brands to bring the best deals to students:

How Our Partnerships Work

Exclusive to verified students, Butterfly offers a unique university community experience.

Our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) lies in uniting students even before their university journey begins, facilitating interactions among coursemates upon receiving their university offers.

Your promotions will feature prominently in our “Bonuses” section, dedicated to exclusive student offers and discounts.

Butterfly’s approach mirrors successful discount platforms like Student Beans and Unidays, but with an added community-focused dimension.

Why Partner With us?

Direct Access to a Growing Market: Reach out to a focused group of students who are not only active on our platform but are also at a pivotal point in their purchasing journey.

Enhanced Brand Visibility: With our high user engagement rates and tailored advertising spaces, your brand will enjoy increased visibility and positive association among the youth market.

Cutting-Edge Marketing: Benefit from our innovative marketing strategies and sleek UI design, ensuring your brand’s message is delivered effectively and memorably.

Proven Track Record: Our growth metrics, awards, and partnership with Google testify to our effectiveness and reliability as a marketing partner.

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